Software Disclaimer

Stereotype UPDM2.0.1::TemporalPart


UPDM Artifact: An EnterprisePhase can be sub-divided into structural and temporal parts. TemporalPart describes the EnterprisePhase elements that have a time based nature. MODAF: Asserts that one EnterprisePhase is a temporal part of another. Note: This means that both EnterprisePhases have the same spatial extent - i..e this is only a temporal structure (MODAF:: EnterpriseTemporalPart).

Direct Superclasses: UPDMElement

Extended Metaclasses: Property

Direct Subclasses:


URI : String (0 1); -- source UPDMElement
actualPropertySet : ActualPropertySet (0 *); -- source UPDMElement
conformsTo : Standard (0 *); -- source UPDMElement
endBoundaryType : ISO8601DateTime (0 1); -- source UPDMElement
propertySet : PropertySet (0 *); -- source UPDMElement
startBoundaryType : ISO8601DateTime (0 1); -- source UPDMElement


No additional constraints.


No additional operations.

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