Software Disclaimer

Stereotype UPDM2.0.1::ActualLocation


MODAF: A PhysicalLocation (MODAF::ActualLocation) is a location anywhere on the earth. The means of describing the location is a string (locationDescription). The information contained in that string is governed by the taxonomy reference - e.g. if the PhysicalLocation is a "GPS reference", the string will contain the GPS coordinates. NOTE: this has been extended in UPDM to include non-earth locations. DoDAF: All subtypes of << IndividualType>> Location, such as Facility, Site, etc.

Direct Superclasses: UPDMElement

Extended Metaclasses: InstanceSpecification

Direct Subclasses: Location


address : String (1 1); -- source ActualLocation
customKind : String (1 1); -- source ActualLocation
locationKind : LocationKind (1 1); -- source ActualLocation
locationNamedByAddress : Boolean (1 1); -- source ActualLocation
URI : String (0 1); -- source UPDMElement
actualPropertySet : ActualPropertySet (0 *); -- source UPDMElement
conformsTo : Standard (0 *); -- source UPDMElement
endBoundaryType : ISO8601DateTime (0 1); -- source UPDMElement
propertySet : PropertySet (0 *); -- source UPDMElement
startBoundaryType : ISO8601DateTime (0 1); -- source UPDMElement


No additional constraints.


No additional operations.

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