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Class UML 2.4.1::TimeConstraint


A time constraint is a constraint that refers to a time interval.

Direct Superclasses: IntervalConstraint

Direct Subclasses:

Class Precedence List: TimeConstraint, IntervalConstraint, Constraint, PackageableElement, ParameterableElement, NamedElement, Element


firstEvent : Boolean (0 1); -- source TimeConstraint
specification : TimeInterval (1 1); -- source TimeConstraint
constrainedElement : Element (0 *); -- source Constraint
context : Namespace (0 1); -- source Constraint
visibility : VisibilityKind (1 1); -- source PackageableElement
owningTemplateParameter : TemplateParameter (0 1); -- source ParameterableElement
templateParameter : TemplateParameter (0 1); -- source ParameterableElement
clientDependency : Dependency (0 *); -- source NamedElement
name : String (0 1); -- source NamedElement
nameExpression : StringExpression (0 1); -- source NamedElement
namespace : Namespace (0 1); -- source NamedElement

Specifies the namespace that owns the NamedElement.
Derived union with sources: (context)
Subsets: Element.owner
Opposite: Namespace.ownedMember

qualifiedName : String (0 1); -- source NamedElement

A name which allows the NamedElement to be identified within a hierarchy of nested Namespaces. It is constructed from the names of the containing namespaces starting at the root of the hierarchy and ending with the name of the NamedElement itself.
{readonly, derived}

ownedComment : Comment (0 *); -- source Element
ownedElement : Element (0 *); -- source Element
owner : Element (0 1); -- source Element


No additional constraints.


No additional operations.

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