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Class UML 2.4.1::Interface


Since an interface specifies conformance characteristics, it does not own detailed behavior specifications. Instead, interfaces may own a protocol state machine that specifies event sequences and pre/post conditions for the operations and receptions described by the interface.Interfaces may include receptions (in addition to operations).An interface is a kind of classifier that represents a declaration of a set of coherent public features and obligations. An interface specifies a contract; any instance of a classifier that realizes the interface must fulfill that contract. The obligations that may be associated with an interface are in the form of various kinds of constraints (such as pre- and post-conditions) or protocol specifications, which may impose ordering restrictions on interactions through the interface.

Direct Superclasses: Classifier

Direct Subclasses:

Class Precedence List: Interface, Classifier, Namespace, Type, PackageableElement, ParameterableElement, RedefinableElement, NamedElement, TemplateableElement, Element


nestedClassifier : Classifier (0 *); -- source Interface
ownedAttribute : Property (0 *); -- source Interface
ownedOperation : Operation (0 *); -- source Interface
ownedReception : Reception (0 *); -- source Interface
protocol : ProtocolStateMachine (0 1); -- source Interface
redefinedInterface : Interface (0 *); -- source Interface
attribute : Property (0 *); -- source Classifier
collaborationUse : CollaborationUse (0 *); -- source Classifier
feature : Feature (0 *); -- source Classifier

Specifies each feature defined in the classifier. Note that there may be members of the Classifier that are of the type Feature but are not included in this association, e.g. inherited features.
Derived union with sources: (attribute, ownedReception, ownedOperation, ownedAttribute)
Subsets: Namespace.member
Opposite: Feature.featuringClassifier

general : Classifier (0 *); -- source Classifier
generalization : Generalization (0 *); -- source Classifier
inheritedMember : NamedElement (0 *); -- source Classifier
isAbstract : Boolean (1 1); -- source Classifier
isFinalSpecialization : Boolean (1 1); -- source Classifier
ownedTemplateSignature : RedefinableTemplateSignature (0 1); -- source Classifier
ownedUseCase : UseCase (0 *); -- source Classifier
powertypeExtent : GeneralizationSet (0 *); -- source Classifier
redefinedClassifier : Classifier (0 *); -- source Classifier
representation : CollaborationUse (0 1); -- source Classifier
substitution : Substitution (0 *); -- source Classifier
templateParameter : ClassifierTemplateParameter (0 1); -- source Classifier
useCase : UseCase (0 *); -- source Classifier
elementImport : ElementImport (0 *); -- source Namespace
importedMember : PackageableElement (0 *); -- source Namespace
member : NamedElement (0 *); -- source Namespace
ownedMember : NamedElement (0 *); -- source Namespace
ownedRule : Constraint (0 *); -- source Namespace
packageImport : PackageImport (0 *); -- source Namespace
package : Package (0 1); -- source Type
visibility : VisibilityKind (1 1); -- source PackageableElement

Indicates that packageable elements must always have a visibility, i.e., visibility is not optional.
Redefines: NamedElement.visibility
Default value: PUBLIC

owningTemplateParameter : TemplateParameter (0 1); -- source ParameterableElement

The formal template parameter that owns this element.
Subsets: Element.owner, ParameterableElement.templateParameter
Opposite: TemplateParameter.ownedParameteredElement

isLeaf : Boolean (1 1); -- source RedefinableElement
redefinedElement : RedefinableElement (0 *); -- source RedefinableElement
redefinitionContext : Classifier (0 *); -- source RedefinableElement
clientDependency : Dependency (0 *); -- source NamedElement
name : String (0 1); -- source NamedElement
nameExpression : StringExpression (0 1); -- source NamedElement
namespace : Namespace (0 1); -- source NamedElement
qualifiedName : String (0 1); -- source NamedElement
templateBinding : TemplateBinding (0 *); -- source TemplateableElement
ownedComment : Comment (0 *); -- source Element
ownedElement : Element (0 *); -- source Element
owner : Element (0 1); -- source Element


Signature: visibility() : Boolean;
Description: The visibility of all features owned by an interface must be public.
Expression: self.feature->forAll(f | f.visibility = #public)


No additional operations.

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