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Abstract Class UML 2.3::Behavior


A behavior owns zero or more parameter sets.

Direct Superclasses: Class

Direct Subclasses: StateMachine, OpaqueBehavior, Interaction, Activity

Class Precedence List: Behavior, Class, EncapsulatedClassifier, StructuredClassifier, BehavioredClassifier, Classifier, TemplateableElement, Type, PackageableElement, ParameterableElement, Namespace, RedefinableElement, NamedElement, Element


context : BehavioredClassifier (0 1); -- source Behavior

The classifier that is the context for the execution of the behavior. If the behavior is owned by a BehavioredClassifier, that classifier is the context. Otherwise, the context is the first BehavioredClassifier reached by following the chain of owner relationships. For example, following this algorithm, the context of an entry action in a state machine is the classifier that owns the state machine. The features of the context classifier as well as the elements visible to the context classifier are visible to the behavior.
{readonly, derived}
Subsets: RedefinableElement.redefinitionContext
The spec does not provide a function to compute this derived property!

isReentrant : Boolean (1 1); -- source Behavior
ownedParameter : Parameter (0 *); -- source Behavior
ownedParameterSet : ParameterSet (0 *); -- source Behavior
postcondition : Constraint (0 *); -- source Behavior
precondition : Constraint (0 *); -- source Behavior
redefinedBehavior : Behavior (0 *); -- source Behavior
specification : BehavioralFeature (0 1); -- source Behavior
extension : Extension (0 *); -- source Class
isAbstract : Boolean (1 1); -- source Class
isActive : Boolean (1 1); -- source Class
nestedClassifier : Classifier (0 *); -- source Class
ownedAttribute : Property (0 *); -- source Class
ownedOperation : Operation (0 *); -- source Class
ownedReception : Reception (0 *); -- source Class
superClass : Class (0 *); -- source Class
ownedPort : Port (0 *); -- source EncapsulatedClassifier
ownedConnector : Connector (0 *); -- source StructuredClassifier
part : Property (0 *); -- source StructuredClassifier
role : ConnectableElement (0 *); -- source StructuredClassifier
classifierBehavior : Behavior (0 1); -- source BehavioredClassifier
interfaceRealization : InterfaceRealization (0 *); -- source BehavioredClassifier
ownedBehavior : Behavior (0 *); -- source BehavioredClassifier
ownedTrigger : Trigger (0 *); -- source BehavioredClassifier
attribute : Property (0 *); -- source Classifier
collaborationUse : CollaborationUse (0 *); -- source Classifier
feature : Feature (0 *); -- source Classifier
generalization : Generalization (0 *); -- source Classifier

Specifies the Generalization relationships for this Classifier. These Generalizations navigaten to more general classifiers in the generalization hierarchy.
Subsets: Element.ownedElement
Opposite: Generalization.specific

inheritedMember : NamedElement (0 *); -- source Classifier
isFinalSpecialization : Boolean (1 1); -- source Classifier
ownedTemplateSignature : RedefinableTemplateSignature (0 1); -- source Classifier
ownedUseCase : UseCase (0 *); -- source Classifier
powertypeExtent : GeneralizationSet (0 *); -- source Classifier

Designates the GeneralizationSet of which the associated Classifier is a power type.
Opposite: GeneralizationSet.powertype

redefinedClassifier : Classifier (0 *); -- source Classifier
representation : CollaborationUse (0 1); -- source Classifier
substitution : Substitution (0 *); -- source Classifier
templateParameter : ClassifierTemplateParameter (0 1); -- source Classifier
useCase : UseCase (0 *); -- source Classifier
templateBinding : TemplateBinding (0 *); -- source TemplateableElement
package : Package (0 1); -- source Type
visibility : VisibilityKind (1 1); -- source PackageableElement
owningTemplateParameter : TemplateParameter (0 1); -- source ParameterableElement
elementImport : ElementImport (0 *); -- source Namespace
importedMember : PackageableElement (0 *); -- source Namespace
member : NamedElement (0 *); -- source Namespace
ownedMember : NamedElement (0 *); -- source Namespace
ownedRule : Constraint (0 *); -- source Namespace
packageImport : PackageImport (0 *); -- source Namespace
isLeaf : Boolean (1 1); -- source RedefinableElement
redefinedElement : RedefinableElement (0 *); -- source RedefinableElement
redefinitionContext : Classifier (0 *); -- source RedefinableElement
clientDependency : Dependency (0 *); -- source NamedElement

Indicates the dependencies that reference the client.
Opposite: Dependency.client

name : String (0 1); -- source NamedElement
nameExpression : StringExpression (0 1); -- source NamedElement
namespace : Namespace (0 1); -- source NamedElement
qualifiedName : String (0 1); -- source NamedElement
ownedComment : Comment (0 *); -- source Element
ownedElement : Element (0 *); -- source Element
owner : Element (0 1); -- source Element


Signature: parameters_match() : Boolean;
Description: The parameters of the behavior must match the parameters of the implemented behavioral feature.
Expression: true

Signature: must_realize() : Boolean;
Description: If the implemented behavioral feature has been redefined in the ancestors of the owner of the behavior, then the behavior must realize the latest redefining behavioral feature.
Expression: true

Signature: most_one_behaviour() : Boolean;
Description: There may be at most one behavior for a given pairing of classifier (as owner of the behavior) and behavioral feature (as specification of the behavior).
Expression: true

Signature: feature_of_context_classifier() : Boolean;
Description: The implemented behavioral feature must be a feature (possibly inherited) of the context classifier of the behavior.
Expression: true


No additional operations.

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