Software Disclaimer

Validate Models (XMI Validator)

Use this tool directly to validate XMI against pre-loaded metamodels. (A list of pre-loaded metamodels may be found here.) Or, if none of the pre-loaded metamodels fit your need, first load the metamodels and profiles you need (see the menu on the left) and then come back here and load the file to be validated.The file must contain a uml::Model element or single toplevel uml::Package -- its content is what is validated.

Processing speed is currently about 600 uml:Elements / minute. If your file is large (more than about 2000 elements), it is possible that validation will 'timeout' before completion. For large files, you might consider trying the downloadable NIST Validator found here.

Uploaded models and profiles:

Enter below a file to upload and process.
If the file is a MIWG Test Case, you can specify which one,so that the Validator can compare it to the reference file.Otherwise, ignore the 'Test Case' field below.
XMI file:
Test Case:
Typical usage Apply CMOF constraints

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