Class UML 2.5::Clause
A Clause is an Element that represents a single branch of a ConditionalNode,
including a test and a body section. The body section is executed only
if (but not necessarily if) the test section evaluates to true.
Direct Superclasses: ElementDirect Subclasses: Class Precedence List: Clause,
body :
ExecutableNode (0 *); -- source
ClauseThe set of ExecutableNodes that are executed if the test evaluates to true
and the Clause is chosen over other Clauses within the ConditionalNode
that also have tests that evaluate to true.
bodyOutput :
OutputPin (0 *); -- source
Clause decider :
OutputPin (1 1); -- source
ClauseAn OutputPin on an Action in the test section whose Boolean value determines
the result of the test.
predecessorClause :
Clause (0 *); -- source
Clause successorClause :
Clause (0 *); -- source
Clause test :
ExecutableNode (1 *); -- source
Clause ownedComment :
Comment (0 *); -- source
Element ownedElement :
Element (0 *); -- source
Element owner :
Element (0 1); -- source
No additional constraints.
No additional operations.
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