Abstract Class UML 2.5::BehavioralFeature
A BehavioralFeature is a feature of a Classifier that specifies an aspect
of the behavior of its instances. A BehavioralFeature is implemented (realized)
by a Behavior. A BehavioralFeature specifies that a Classifier will respond
to a designated request by invoking its implementing method.
Direct Superclasses: Feature,
NamespaceDirect Subclasses: Reception,
OperationClass Precedence List: BehavioralFeature,
concurrency :
CallConcurrencyKind (1 1); -- source
BehavioralFeature isAbstract : Boolean (1 1); -- source
BehavioralFeature method :
Behavior (0 *); -- source
BehavioralFeature ownedParameter :
Parameter (0 *); -- source
BehavioralFeature ownedParameterSet :
ParameterSet (0 *); -- source
BehavioralFeature raisedException :
Type (0 *); -- source
BehavioralFeature featuringClassifier :
Classifier (0 1); -- source
Feature isStatic : Boolean (1 1); -- source
Feature isLeaf : Boolean (1 1); -- source
RedefinableElement redefinedElement :
RedefinableElement (0 *); -- source
RedefinableElement redefinitionContext :
Classifier (0 *); -- source
RedefinableElement elementImport :
ElementImport (0 *); -- source
Namespace importedMember :
PackageableElement (0 *); -- source
Namespace member :
NamedElement (0 *); -- source
Namespace ownedMember :
NamedElement (0 *); -- source
Namespace ownedRule :
Constraint (0 *); -- source
Namespace packageImport :
PackageImport (0 *); -- source
Namespace clientDependency :
Dependency (0 *); -- source
NamedElement name : String (0 1); -- source
NamedElement nameExpression :
StringExpression (0 1); -- source
NamedElement namespace :
Namespace (0 1); -- source
NamedElement qualifiedName : String (0 1); -- source
NamedElementA name that allows the NamedElement to be identified within a hierarchy
of nested Namespaces. It is constructed from the names of the containing
Namespaces starting at the root of the hierarchy and ending with the name
of the NamedElement itself.
visibility :
VisibilityKind (0 1); -- source
NamedElement ownedComment :
Comment (0 *); -- source
Element ownedElement :
Element (0 *); -- source
Element owner :
Element (0 1); -- source
Signature: CMOF_14_3_17() : Boolean;
Description: 14.3 [17] BehavioralFeature must be sequential
Expression: concurrency = CallConcurrencyKind::sequential
Signature: outputParameters() : Parameter;
Description: The ownedParameters with direction out, inout, or return.
Expression: result = (ownedParameter->select(direction=ParameterDirectionKind::out or direction=ParameterDirectionKind::inout or direction=ParameterDirectionKind::return))
Signature: isDistinguishableFrom(n : NamedElement; ns : Namespace; ) : Boolean;
Description: The query isDistinguishableFrom() determines whether two BehavioralFeatures
may coexist in the same Namespace. It specifies that they must have different
Expression: result = ((n.oclIsKindOf(BehavioralFeature) and ns.getNamesOfMember(self)->intersection(ns.getNamesOfMember(n))->notEmpty()) implies Set{self}->including(n.oclAsType(BehavioralFeature))->isUnique(ownedParameter->collect(p| Tuple { name=p.name, type=p.type,effect=p.effect,direction=p.direction,isException=p.isException, isStream=p.isStream,isOrdered=p.isOrdered,isUnique=p.isUnique,lower=p.lower, upper=p.upper })) )
Signature: inputParameters() : Parameter;
Description: The ownedParameters with direction in and inout.
Expression: result = (ownedParameter->select(direction=ParameterDirectionKind::_'in' or direction=ParameterDirectionKind::inout))
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