Software Disclaimer

Class UML 2.4.1::LinkEndCreationData


A link end creation data is not an action. It is an element that identifies links. It identifies one end of a link to be created by a create link action.

Direct Superclasses: LinkEndData

Direct Subclasses:

Class Precedence List: LinkEndCreationData, LinkEndData, Element


insertAt : InputPin (0 1); -- source LinkEndCreationData
isReplaceAll : Boolean (1 1); -- source LinkEndCreationData

Specifies whether the existing links emanating from the object on this end should be destroyed before creating a new link.
Default value: FALSE

end : Property (1 1); -- source LinkEndData
qualifier : QualifierValue (0 *); -- source LinkEndData
value : InputPin (0 1); -- source LinkEndData
ownedComment : Comment (0 *); -- source Element
ownedElement : Element (0 *); -- source Element
owner : Element (0 1); -- source Element


Signature: single_input_pin() : Boolean;
Description: Link end creation data for ordered association ends must have a single input pin for the insertion point with type UnlimitedNatural and multiplicity of 1..1, otherwise the action has no input pin for the insertion point.
The OCL used here is not normative.
Editor's notes: No multiplicity. insertAt, not InsertAts. oclIsKindOf(UnlimitedNatural). Extra close paren
Expression: let insertAtPins : Collection = self.insertAt in if self.end.ordering = #unordered then insertAtPins->size() = 0 else let insertAtPin : InputPin = insertAt->asSequence()->first() in insertAtPins->size() = 1 and insertAtPin.type.oclIsKindOf(UnlimitedNatural) and,1) endif
Original: let insertAtPins : Collection = self.insertAt in if self.end.ordering = #unordered then insertAtPins->size() = 0 else let insertAtPin : InputPin = insertAts->asSequence()->first() in insertAtPins->size() = 1 and insertAtPin.type = UnlimitedNatural and,1)) endif

Signature: create_link_action() : Boolean;
Description: LinkEndCreationData can only be end data for CreateLinkAction or one of its specializations.
The OCL used here is not normative.
Editor's notes: LinkAction not defined.
Expression: true
Original: self.LinkAction.oclIsKindOf(CreateLinkAction)


No additional operations.

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