Class UML 2.3::Interface
Since an interface specifies conformance characteristics, it does not own
detailed behavior specifications. Instead, interfaces may own a protocol
state machine that specifies event sequences and pre/post conditions for
the operations and receptions described by the interface.
Direct Superclasses: ClassifierDirect Subclasses: Class Precedence List: Interface,
nestedClassifier :
Classifier (0 *); -- source
Interface ownedAttribute :
Property (0 *); -- source
Interface ownedOperation :
Operation (0 *); -- source
Interface ownedReception :
Reception (0 *); -- source
Interface protocol :
ProtocolStateMachine (0 1); -- source
Interface redefinedInterface :
Interface (0 *); -- source
Interface attribute :
Property (0 *); -- source
Classifier collaborationUse :
CollaborationUse (0 *); -- source
Classifier feature :
Feature (0 *); -- source
Classifier general :
Classifier (0 *); -- source
Classifier generalization :
Generalization (0 *); -- source
Classifier inheritedMember :
NamedElement (0 *); -- source
Classifier isAbstract : Boolean (1 1); -- source
Classifier isFinalSpecialization : Boolean (1 1); -- source
Classifier ownedTemplateSignature :
RedefinableTemplateSignature (0 1); -- source
Classifier The optional template signature specifying the formal template parameters.
Subsets: Element.ownedElement
Redefines: TemplateableElement.ownedTemplateSignature
Opposite: RedefinableTemplateSignature.classifier
ownedUseCase :
UseCase (0 *); -- source
Classifier powertypeExtent :
GeneralizationSet (0 *); -- source
Classifier redefinedClassifier :
Classifier (0 *); -- source
Classifier representation :
CollaborationUse (0 1); -- source
Classifier substitution :
Substitution (0 *); -- source
Classifier templateParameter :
ClassifierTemplateParameter (0 1); -- source
Classifier useCase :
UseCase (0 *); -- source
Classifier templateBinding :
TemplateBinding (0 *); -- source
TemplateableElement package :
Package (0 1); -- source
Type visibility :
VisibilityKind (1 1); -- source
PackageableElement owningTemplateParameter :
TemplateParameter (0 1); -- source
ParameterableElement elementImport :
ElementImport (0 *); -- source
Namespace importedMember :
PackageableElement (0 *); -- source
Namespace member :
NamedElement (0 *); -- source
Namespace ownedMember :
NamedElement (0 *); -- source
Namespace ownedRule :
Constraint (0 *); -- source
Namespace packageImport :
PackageImport (0 *); -- source
Namespace isLeaf : Boolean (1 1); -- source
RedefinableElement redefinedElement :
RedefinableElement (0 *); -- source
RedefinableElement redefinitionContext :
Classifier (0 *); -- source
RedefinableElement clientDependency :
Dependency (0 *); -- source
NamedElement name : String (0 1); -- source
NamedElement nameExpression :
StringExpression (0 1); -- source
NamedElement namespace :
Namespace (0 1); -- source
NamedElement qualifiedName : String (0 1); -- source
NamedElement ownedComment :
Comment (0 *); -- source
Element ownedElement :
Element (0 *); -- source
Element owner :
Element (0 1); -- source
Signature: visibility() : Boolean;
Description: The visibility of all features owned by an interface must be public.
Expression: self.feature->forAll(f | f.visibility = #public)
No additional operations.
Send questions or comments to
[email protected].