Class UML 2.3::ExceptionHandler
An exception handler is an element that specifies a body to execute in
case the specified exception occurs during the execution of the protected
Direct Superclasses: ElementDirect Subclasses: Class Precedence List: ExceptionHandler,

exceptionInput :
ObjectNode (1 1); -- source
exceptionType :
Classifier (1 *); -- source
ExceptionHandler The kind of instances that the handler catches. If an exception occurs
whose type is any of the classifiers in the set, the handler catches the
exception and executes its body.

handlerBody :
ExecutableNode (1 1); -- source
protectedNode :
ExecutableNode (1 1); -- source
ExceptionHandler The node protected by the handler. The handler is examined if an exception
propagates to the outside of the node.
Subsets: Element.owner
Opposite: ExecutableNode.handler

ownedComment :
Comment (0 *); -- source
ownedElement :
Element (0 *); -- source
owner :
Element (0 1); -- source
Signature: result_pins() : Boolean;
Description: If the protected node is a StructuredActivityNode with output pins, then
the exception handler body must also be a StructuredActivityNode with output
pins that correspond in number and types to those of the protected node.
Expression: true
Signature: one_input() : Boolean;
Description: The handler body has one input, and that input is the same as the exception
Expression: true
Signature: exception_body() : Boolean;
Description: The exception handler and its input object node are not the source or target
of any edge.
Expression: true
Signature: edge_source_target() : Boolean;
Description: An edge that has a source in an exception handler structured node must
have its target in the handler also, and vice versa.
Expression: true
No additional operations.
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