Software Disclaimer

Stereotype UPDM2.1::TechnicalStandard


MODAF:A ratified and peer-reviewed specification that is used to guide or constrain the architecture. A Standard may be applied to any element in the architecture via the [constrainedItem] property of UML::Constraint (Standard). DoDAF:Technical standards document specific technical methodologies and practices to design and implement.

Direct Superclasses: Standard

Extended Metaclasses: Class

Direct Subclasses:


InformationTechnologyStandardCategory : String (0 *); -- source Standard
currentStatus : String (0 1); -- source Standard
mandatedDate : ISO8601DateTime (0 1); -- source Standard
ratifiedBy : ActualOrganization (0 *); -- source Standard
retiredDate : ISO8601DateTime (0 1); -- source Standard
shortName : String (0 1); -- source Standard
version : String (0 1); -- source Standard
URI : String (0 1); -- source UPDMElement
actualPropertySet : ActualPropertySet (0 *); -- source UPDMElement
conformsTo : Standard (0 *); -- source UPDMElement
endBoundaryType : ISO8601DateTime (0 1); -- source UPDMElement
propertySet : PropertySet (0 *); -- source UPDMElement
startBoundaryType : ISO8601DateTime (0 1); -- source UPDMElement


No additional constraints.


No additional operations.

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