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Class UML 2.5::ReadLinkObjectEndAction


A ReadLinkObjectEndAction is an Action that retrieves an end object from a link object.

Direct Superclasses: Action

Direct Subclasses:

Class Precedence List: ReadLinkObjectEndAction, Action, ExecutableNode, ActivityNode, RedefinableElement, NamedElement, Element


end : Property (1 1); -- source ReadLinkObjectEndAction
object : InputPin (1 1); -- source ReadLinkObjectEndAction
result : OutputPin (1 1); -- source ReadLinkObjectEndAction
context : Classifier (0 1); -- source Action
input : InputPin (0 *); -- source Action
isLocallyReentrant : Boolean (1 1); -- source Action
localPostcondition : Constraint (0 *); -- source Action
localPrecondition : Constraint (0 *); -- source Action
output : OutputPin (0 *); -- source Action
handler : ExceptionHandler (0 *); -- source ExecutableNode
activity : Activity (0 1); -- source ActivityNode
inGroup : ActivityGroup (0 *); -- source ActivityNode

ActivityGroups containing the ActivityNode.
Derived union with sources: (inStructuredNode, inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion)
Opposite: ActivityGroup.containedNode

inInterruptibleRegion : InterruptibleActivityRegion (0 *); -- source ActivityNode
inPartition : ActivityPartition (0 *); -- source ActivityNode
inStructuredNode : StructuredActivityNode (0 1); -- source ActivityNode
incoming : ActivityEdge (0 *); -- source ActivityNode
outgoing : ActivityEdge (0 *); -- source ActivityNode
redefinedNode : ActivityNode (0 *); -- source ActivityNode
isLeaf : Boolean (1 1); -- source RedefinableElement
redefinedElement : RedefinableElement (0 *); -- source RedefinableElement
redefinitionContext : Classifier (0 *); -- source RedefinableElement
clientDependency : Dependency (0 *); -- source NamedElement
name : String (0 1); -- source NamedElement
nameExpression : StringExpression (0 1); -- source NamedElement

The StringExpression used to define the name of this NamedElement.
Subsets: Element.ownedElement

namespace : Namespace (0 1); -- source NamedElement

Specifies the Namespace that owns the NamedElement.
Derived union with sources: ()
Subsets: Element.owner
Opposite: Namespace.ownedMember

qualifiedName : String (0 1); -- source NamedElement

A name that allows the NamedElement to be identified within a hierarchy of nested Namespaces. It is constructed from the names of the containing Namespaces starting at the root of the hierarchy and ending with the name of the NamedElement itself.
{readonly, derived}

visibility : VisibilityKind (0 1); -- source NamedElement
ownedComment : Comment (0 *); -- source Element
ownedElement : Element (0 *); -- source Element
owner : Element (0 1); -- source Element


No additional constraints.


No additional operations.

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