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Class UML 2.5::CallBehaviorAction


A CallBehaviorAction is a CallAction that invokes a Behavior directly. The argument values of the CallBehaviorAction are passed on the input Parameters of the invoked Behavior. If the call is synchronous, the execution of the CallBehaviorAction waits until the execution of the invoked Behavior completes and the values of output Parameters of the Behavior are placed on the result OutputPins. If the call is asynchronous, the CallBehaviorAction completes immediately and no results values can be provided.

Direct Superclasses: CallAction

Direct Subclasses:

Class Precedence List: CallBehaviorAction, CallAction, InvocationAction, Action, ExecutableNode, ActivityNode, RedefinableElement, NamedElement, Element


behavior : Behavior (1 1); -- source CallBehaviorAction
isSynchronous : Boolean (1 1); -- source CallAction
result : OutputPin (0 *); -- source CallAction
argument : InputPin (0 *); -- source InvocationAction
onPort : Port (0 1); -- source InvocationAction
context : Classifier (0 1); -- source Action
input : InputPin (0 *); -- source Action
isLocallyReentrant : Boolean (1 1); -- source Action
localPostcondition : Constraint (0 *); -- source Action
localPrecondition : Constraint (0 *); -- source Action
output : OutputPin (0 *); -- source Action
handler : ExceptionHandler (0 *); -- source ExecutableNode
activity : Activity (0 1); -- source ActivityNode

The Activity containing the ActivityNode, if it is directly owned by an Activity.
Subsets: Element.owner
Opposite: Activity.node

inGroup : ActivityGroup (0 *); -- source ActivityNode
inInterruptibleRegion : InterruptibleActivityRegion (0 *); -- source ActivityNode
inPartition : ActivityPartition (0 *); -- source ActivityNode

ActivityPartitions containing the ActivityNode.
Subsets: ActivityNode.inGroup
Opposite: ActivityPartition.node

inStructuredNode : StructuredActivityNode (0 1); -- source ActivityNode
incoming : ActivityEdge (0 *); -- source ActivityNode
outgoing : ActivityEdge (0 *); -- source ActivityNode
redefinedNode : ActivityNode (0 *); -- source ActivityNode
isLeaf : Boolean (1 1); -- source RedefinableElement
redefinedElement : RedefinableElement (0 *); -- source RedefinableElement
redefinitionContext : Classifier (0 *); -- source RedefinableElement
clientDependency : Dependency (0 *); -- source NamedElement
name : String (0 1); -- source NamedElement
nameExpression : StringExpression (0 1); -- source NamedElement
namespace : Namespace (0 1); -- source NamedElement

Specifies the Namespace that owns the NamedElement.
Derived union with sources: ()
Subsets: Element.owner
Opposite: Namespace.ownedMember

qualifiedName : String (0 1); -- source NamedElement
visibility : VisibilityKind (0 1); -- source NamedElement
ownedComment : Comment (0 *); -- source Element
ownedElement : Element (0 *); -- source Element
owner : Element (0 1); -- source Element


No additional constraints.


Signature: outputParameters() : Parameter;
Description: Return the inout, out and return ownedParameters of the Behavior being called.
Expression: result = (behavior.outputParameters())

Signature: inputParameters() : Parameter;
Description: Return the in and inout ownedParameters of the Behavior being called.
Expression: result = (behavior.inputParameters())

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