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MIWG Tools Changelog

This page describes changes that affect the behavior of the MIWG tools (Validator, Class Browser, Model Diff).

NIST Validator Changes

UML+Profile Class Browser Changes

Current Status of the Validator's OCL

The Validator uses the UML's metamodel OCL constraints and operations wherever possible, of course. However, there are bugs in that OCL. In order to make the OCL evaluation performed by the Validator more meaningful, and also to suggest improvements to the OCL to the UML standard writers, this tool uses modified OCL in some places. In other places, where it isn't clear what the solution should be, I haven't attempted to write a solution. Finally, there is OCL in UML and SysML I probably could write, but haven't yet.

Rewritten OCL

The following are constraints and operations that were rewritten to fix a bug. The page at the link describes the changes made.

'Ignored' OCL

The following are constraints and operations that are 'ignored.' An 'ignored' constraint returns ocl:true always. An 'ignored' operation typically returns Set{}. The page at the link describes the changes made.

AP233 Validator Changes

AP233 Entity Type Browser

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