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Class UML 2.5::ConnectorEnd


A ConnectorEnd is an endpoint of a Connector, which attaches the Connector to a ConnectableElement.

Direct Superclasses: MultiplicityElement

Direct Subclasses:

Class Precedence List: ConnectorEnd, MultiplicityElement, Element


definingEnd : Property (0 1); -- source ConnectorEnd

A derived property referencing the corresponding end on the Association which types the Connector owing this ConnectorEnd, if any. It is derived by selecting the end at the same place in the ordering of Association ends as this ConnectorEnd.
{readonly, derived}

partWithPort : Property (0 1); -- source ConnectorEnd
role : ConnectableElement (1 1); -- source ConnectorEnd
isOrdered : Boolean (1 1); -- source MultiplicityElement
isUnique : Boolean (1 1); -- source MultiplicityElement
lower : Integer (1 1); -- source MultiplicityElement
lowerValue : ValueSpecification (0 1); -- source MultiplicityElement
upper : UnlimitedNatural (1 1); -- source MultiplicityElement
upperValue : ValueSpecification (0 1); -- source MultiplicityElement
ownedComment : Comment (0 *); -- source Element
ownedElement : Element (0 *); -- source Element
owner : Element (0 1); -- source Element


No additional constraints.


Signature: definingEnd.1() : Property;
Description: Derivation for ConnectorEnd::/definingEnd : Property
Expression: result = (if connector.type = null then null else let index : Integer = connector.end->indexOf(self) in connector.type.memberEnd->at(index) endif)

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